SD: Dismissal from - Bryon you have my support.


SD: Dismissal from - Bryon you have my support.

   First I want to make it known that I don't have all the information.  What
I do think I have is a grasp of the situation.  I although I like both sites I
prefer TIFiles slightly so I was completely pissed when I found out what you
did to it,  but you promptly offered your apology which I along with most
other reasonable people excepted.  I don't know whether you will be reinstated
to your post on TICalc, but I would like to applaud the way you have presented
you argument against TiCalc.  While I hope TiCalc's leaders come to there
senses and let you back to your position, I would like to see a page of your
own if they don't.  Again,  I think you handled it in proper manor,  It didn't
know it was possible to have a disagreement on the Internet without cussing
and name calling.