Re: SD: RE: New operating system...
Re: SD: RE: New operating system...
You could develop a whole OpenGL86. That would actually be pretty cool :)
If you mess with parts of memory, it will mess up the TIOS if you try to
use it. The logical answer to this problem is: don't use the TIOS. Just
don't put a quit option in your program.
>allotment. It is an artistic limitiation to say the least. Here is
>project that I want to do, but becasue of the current OS, I find it
>to imagine how to implement correctly: A 3-bit 3d rindering program
>with a full Zbuffer. With he help of a friend of mine, I have come up
>with a recursive triangle drawing routine that will draw any sized
>triangle, by building it form a data bank of pre-drawn triangles.
>data bank itself takes up 4Kbytes. The good thing about this routnie
>that in terms of speed, it favors small triangles. Small triangles
>require no calculations to draw. And slightly larger triangles only
>experience a small recursive load. So objects with lots of polygons
>would actually be favored by this routine over 3d objects with few big
>polygons. Then there are the Cos/Sin tables, and the Multiplication
>tables. Plus there needs to be room somewhere to actually load the 3d
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