Re: SD: Got a proposition
Re: SD: Got a proposition
-> > There has been zero activity on this list lately, so if anyone has any
-> >
-> > questions on emulating ZShell 4.0, I'll do my best to answer them.
-> > I'm the guy
-> > that wrote MISh. And remember, the source is in MISh's zip.
-> >
-> > Also, I have an idea for a kind of shell development competition to
-> > test
-> > your programming skills: Make a shell that either does exactly what
-> > OS/7
-> > does, or more, but make it smaller!
-> >
-> > Have I got any takers?
-> >
-> > By the way, I'm only talking to the TI-85 shell guys.
-> Well, I'm writing a shell for the 86 that emulates the 85. I would
-> appreciate any information you could give me. I haven't looked into the
-> MISh source yet, but I have looked at UShell. Thanks.
UShell source isn't going to do you any good. MISh will. It works with
ZShell 4.0 programs. One problem with running 85 stuff on an 86 is that the
IY index register probably points to different stuff. You'll probably have
to remap every reference to IY.