SD: DHOS Calls update IV
SD: DHOS Calls update IV
I have gotton some reponses from the developers but I would also like
some input on what the programmers would like to have as calls. So,
come on, give me some input!!
Here are the list of ROM calls I suggest that DHOS supports:
(*-new additions in Update IV)
SRCH_RAM-search the 85's RAM for a var
SRCH_EII-same as above but in EII
DEL_VAR_EII-delete a var from EII
ERASE_EII-erase the EII
SENDB_EII-send a byte to the EII
SENDV_EII-send a var to the EII
RECVB_EII-receive a byte from the EII
RECVV_EII-receive a var from the EII
EIIMPB_OUT-ouput a 6bit byte the the EII's module port(EMP)
EIIMPB_IN-get a 6 bit byte from the EMP
EIIMPx_HI-x is 1-6;Make EMP pin x high(a 1)
EIIMPx_LO-" " " " " " " low (a 0)
EIIMPx_IN-" " ";get the logic level of pin x
SRCHR_LIB-search for a library in RAM
SRCHE_LIB- " " " " " EII
LD_LIB-copy a lib to the 85
RMV_LIB-delete a lib from the RAM
LD_PRGM-copy a program to RAM
RMV_PRGM-delete a program from RAM, copy back if changed
LCD_ON-self explanatory
CONTRAST_RD-get contrast value
CONTRAST_WR-change contrast value
INC_CON-increase the contrast by value in A
DEC_CON-decrease the conrast by value in A
SEND_I2CR-send a byte in I2C(on EMP) in raw format
RECV_I2CR-receive a byte
SEND_I2CM-send data or a var in MBUS format
RECV_I2CM-receive " " " " " " "
SEND_TIP-send data or a var in TI-protocal format
RECV_TIP-same as above but receive
EXIT_TIOS-exit back to TI-OS
SQRT-square root
FP_ADD-floating point add
FP_AUB-floating point subtract
FP_MUL-floating point multiply
FP_DIV-floating point divide
INT_MUL-integer multiply
INT_DIV-integer divide
KEY_TO_NUMBER-get key and change to number(if possible), if not return
KEY_TO_LETTERU-same as above but change to uppercase letter
KEY_TO-LETTERL-ditto but lowercase
FP_TO_BIN-convert floating poing(FP) # to binary #
FP_TO_BCD-same as above but to Binary Coded Decimal(BCD)
INT_TO_FP-integer to FP
BIN_TO_BCD-binary # to BCD(ie %10000011(130d) to 130h(%0001 0011 0000)
BCD_TO_BIN-vice versa
ASCII_TO_BIN-covert an ASCII # to binary(ie '02' to %00000010)
BIN_TO_ASCII-vice versa
BCD_TO_ASCII-convert an ASCII # to BCD(ie 'F0' to %11110000($F0)
ASCII_TO_BCD-vice versa
DISP_PIC-display a 85i file
DISP_ZCP-decompress and display a ZCP file
DISP_GCP- " " " " GCP "
PLAY_MCP-play a ASMovie(or MCP) file
INT_GRAY4-intialize grayscale 4
INT_GRAY8-intialize grayscale 8
DEI_GRAY4-deinitialize grayscale 4
DEI_GRAY8-deinitialize grayscale 8
FREE_MEM_RAM-return amout of free mem on the 85
USED_MEM_RAM- " " " used " " " "
FREE_MEM_EII-return amout of free mem on the EII
USED_MEM_EII- " " " used " " " EII
*FP_CP-compare 2 floating point #'s
*DRAW_LINE-draw a line
*DRAW_BOX-draw a box
*DRAW_CIRCLE-draw a circle
any more?
what do you think?
Matt Butch
Member of the Doomsday Horizons Adminstrative Commitee(DHAC)
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