Re : SD: DH85 - EII Usage
Re : SD: DH85 - EII Usage
Dans un courrier daté du 17/08/98 22:30:20 , vous avez écrit :
> m just questioning the design of the DH85 in the portion where the E2 was
> to be used as a "hard disk" and the idea was to prevent "excessive writes".
> I'm new to the project and maybe I don't undertand it all but do you want
> generate a GUI OS that uses DLL technology and avoid swapping to and from
> the hard drive?
It is probably too late.. But:
The e2 is build on a chip called a FLASH: it is some memory which retains the
information written to it even when not beeing powered. It has however major
drawbacks which are:
* Writing many times to it will destroy the memory cells...
However, it is possible to read as many times as needed in it..
Hope this helps..
ALso: this is off topic and perhaps some people feel will ofensed but i ask
those of you who use this list as a joke list to stop.. It is a little crude
but i am greatly interested by all the stuff beeing discussed ( beeing
unfortunatly unable to help: working on 68000 processors.. ) and my archives
are a little too crowded.. While i do not discuss the fact that the joke was
good, other related mails with comments on it were ( to me ) off topic.
If you don' t mind, please, discuss jokes privatly...
Thank you for your time.
If you wish to flame me, do so privatly...
Mathieu, <>