SD: Re: DH85 - EII Usage
SD: Re: DH85 - EII Usage
ITs not necessarily a GUI os, just an os. The shell may be GUI. We can
read infinite times from the eii, but after 10,000(? I think) Writes to each
different bit, that bit _may_ become unstable.
--Jonathan Kaus
IRC: Jedsmeny
ICQ: 15873088
-----Original Message-----
From: dan <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 17, 1998 3:31 PM
Subject: SD: DH85 - EII Usage
>I'm just questioning the design of the DH85 in the portion where the E2 was
>to be used as a "hard disk" and the idea was to prevent "excessive writes".
>I'm new to the project and maybe I don't undertand it all but do you want
>generate a GUI OS that uses DLL technology and avoid swapping to and from
>the hard drive?
>~~ Dan ~~