SD: Re: A85: DH85: Some diagrams of the OS


SD: Re: A85: DH85: Some diagrams of the OS

The lists would reject them anyway.  There is a 30K-40K size limit.

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Sat, 15 Aug 1998, Kaus wrote:

> Ok guys.  Here is a site that i just put up that contains two daigrams that
> help explain some of my ideas for the basic OS Kernal.  please go there,
> check them out witht there explainations, and comment back to the list.
> (umm, preferably on shell-developers, since bryan is getting pretty mad. but
> if you cant there, do it on a85 then)
> Since the web thing that others were planning is going to be delayed a bit,
> i thought i would do this just to get my diagrams out there.  They are much
> to big to be sent over the lists, and bryan would probly have a hernia.
> (poor bryan.... =)
> So, without any further ado,  go here please:
> <a href="">The spot</a>
> On the site, please go into the 2 diagrams and the text explaination.  In
> the explaination file, please forgive me if it looks like 6 long lines.  It
> should be 6 paragraphs.  My girlfriend said she sees 6 paragraphs, but i can
> only get it to sho 6 lines.  Either way, the information is all there.
> good luck
> and please comment as much as possible about this.
> note:  There is nothing in the circle diagram about the shell.  This is
> because the OS is mainly just the functions that the programs use.  The
> shell can be designed when we get the OS further along.
> Jonathan Kaus
