

OK now i understand.  does the IR-P, TI-P and I2C-P all go both to the link
and e2?
Jonathan Kaus

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Butch <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, August 14, 1998 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: SD: DHOS

>>From: "Kaus" <>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: Re: SD: DHOS
>>Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:32:31 -0500
>>I can do whatever is nesssary.
>>Good block Diagram.  It has what i think is needed too.
>>Question tho:
>>    What is the ControlSys, and why does it connect to the comm
>>systems and the kernal?
>It is a module that enables the user to change stuff.  I'll take it out
>and it will become part of Interface
>>    Is the interface like In/Out to the screen/from keyboard, etc?  If
>>why is it between the File Services and the Kernal?
>Yes, it is the user interface.  the screen and keyboard stuff will be
>handled by the kernal
>>Also, in order to use the other protocols, we need to use the e2.  We
>>use the etra port on the e2 for these, since the e2 will be plugged in
>>of the time.
>>and shouldn't FileServices be connected to Communications Systems?
>yes I fixed it up
>>Just some thoughts.
>>Jonathan Kaus
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Matt Butch <>
>>Date: Friday, August 14, 1998 8:03 AM
>>Subject: Re: SD: DHOS
>>>Good, cause i'm not good at doing graphical stuff.
>>>Ok who wants to do what?  I'm willing to doing the communications
>>>or the File Sevices.  We need a list of who wants to do what.
>>>Here is my ASCII block diagram:
>>>             |-------------------|
>>>          Kernal<->Interface<->File Sevices
>>>             ^         ^              ^
>>>             |         |   |----------|
>>>             v         v   v
>>>          Communicaions System<->EII Protocal<--|
>>>                                    ^           |
>>>                             |------|----|      |
>>>                             |      |    |      |
>>>                             v      v    v      |
>>>                            I2CP   TIP  IRP     |
>>>                             ^      ^    ^      v
>>>                             |-------|---|---->Link
>>>>Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 18:18:18 EDT
>>>>Subject: Re: SD: DHOS
>>>>In a message dated 8/13/98 10:47:20 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
>>>> writes:
>>>><< OK who on this list is from the A85 list about DHOS??
>>>>  >>
>>>>I am.  I am interested in programming the OS interface, more
>>>specifically, the
>>>>graphical interface, if that is still to be included.
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