Re: SD: Supernova (was:Re: Shells and games)
Re: SD: Supernova (was:Re: Shells and games)
> Umm, Usgard no longer has a library system... except 'fake libs' which I
> don't understand at all.
Oh...well we don't exactly have "libraries" either. I.E. you can't go
"call lib(0,1)". But you CAN do libraries in a different method
(longer, but it works). Libraries was one of the MOST ASKED FOR
REQUESTS for ZShell 4.5...that's why we put them in. Personally, the
only routines people use over and over is probably ZCP. We *could* put
it in the operating system, but then we'd be going against our belief of
letting the user do everything.
The point is, the USGard
> > Team placed its emphasis on size while the SuperNova Team placed
> > emphasis on allowing more "freedom" for programmers.
> This would be nice.
> > Many people are talking about having one shell.
> > That's BAD. Competition between operating systems forces shell makers
> > to do more that they believe they can.
> That's not really true... sure, the shells get better but isn't the true
> product here the games??
Yes, but games need an operating system to run. An operating system is
just as important.
>Given time your idea is probably right, but calc programming
> is a fad won't last that long.
Well perhaps, but I think calculator programming is a FAD for each
person and not a universal FAD. An example would be Jingyang Xu, he's
not really into calc programming as much, but just as he left, new
people entered. When you and I stop programming for the calculator,
there will be new young people to fill our shoes.
> That's all well and good, but when the hell are you going to release
> SuperNova??!!!
Well, we will release SuperNova when it's the operating system that is
BETTER than the others. We were GOING to release it in June, but we
decided that more features. But just because you asked, I'll personally
email you SDK-3 (finished in April). That's basically ZShell 4.0 with
contrast, cool interface, libraries, plug-ins, and new rom_calls.
Soon is all I can say. We're students you know, and SuperNova isn't
giving us any grades or units, or extra credit. SuperNova is a HOBBY, 3
high school students are doing in the spare time. We DO work on it
constantly, and it WILL be released.
Alan Dang
Nova Coders
ps. Don't worry, web page will be up in a week or two. If you really
have questions about SuperNova that you want answered, just email them