SD: Re: A85: Shells and games
SD: Re: A85: Shells and games
>On Wed, 10 Sep 1997 00:20:42 -0700 Jimmy Mårdell <>
>>Nicholas C Anderson wrote:
>> I am asking for one last shell, one that allows all of the new
features such as relocation, APD, contrast control, and libraries(BUT IS
>> NOT USED IN THE BASE SHELL). The idea of multiply shells is nice but
is an additional item that is not really needed. Think of this
blah blah blah...
>> ZShell 5.0 (but you have to call it something else I know), a basic
>> simple shell with the new features we all like and the ability to
blah blah blah...
>> Usgard with relocation and variable control option yet should be as
>> simple to use as ZShell 4.0 is once the programming is done.
blah blah blah...
>Excuse me, but the shell you describe as the "one last shell" matches
>Usgard quite much... it has two versions, LITE and STANDARD, it's very
>easy to use (the base version is - you can never remove all
>if you want different versions of something)
Version 1.0 of Usgard??? if so I need to know where to find it... Ess's
page is not updated then, If so then great!!! Are libs still needed for
the simpler shells or has that been done away with??? If the answers
it has been a long time since I have seen a release of a truely awesome
game for the 85 released from this list or announced to us (I love to
try out new games and programs so let the list know when you release
>I don't see how you can think Usgard is harder to use than ZShell 4.0...
I am only talking about the complexities generated by the Libs and the
multi shells and popup windows...simple keystokes to change contrast are
better than that control panel (please don't go pissy on my if that has
been fixed in the newest Usgard version)
>> I ask everyone who writes shells to work as a GROUP on this
please. I make this please not only for me but the other 350 students
>> who wish to have a simple way to play games in math class and have
more that 3 games.
>Working as a group is NOT I bright idea. 2, or maybe 3 ppl is
>but more would just make it VERY hard. Working in groups is possible
>when dealing with _huge_ programs (like Win95 or something...) and
>when dealing with highlevellanguage (and OOP). In assembly however,
>and especially when you want things SMALL, working in groups
>is a very bad idea. Has anthing written be more than 3 persons
>ever been finished? I seem to remember a fligh simulator project
>with >10 ppl involved... nothing much happened there :)
>Jimmy Mårdell
OK I understand big groups suck and all but there needs to be a plan for
any future shells so that they are compatible with all shells out
there...Games that are for just one shell are stupid because you lose a
part of you players with that shell change. In buisness you try to never
cut out a part of you consumers...yet i know we aren't selling anything
here but just follow the basic logic in this statement. If all the
ZShell people and Usgard people would just try to see each others view
that would be great, AND we could have games for both shells and life
THAT, this is for the devoted ZShell programers, by the way relocation
does say space (Check it with a group or printing commands...see sapce
The whole point of this is to have everyone see that Usgard and ZShell
can be used in the same light you just should look at it that way. The
libraries are optional in Usgard.
- "I hate a Roman named Status Quo." -Ray Bradbury
- If the TI-85 was an egg, it couldn't hatch because it would
have to many shells!