Re: SD: Basic shells
Re: SD: Basic shells
I'm interested. I think it would be fun!
>>I do believe that this was done... Wasn't there a Windows 95 clone
>>I remember testing it out on my calc (Pain in the butt to move around
>and to
>>get to different programs, also games that are quick such as zkart you
>>restart often at speed 5 so you don't want to navigate through menus to
>>it again instead you just hit ENTER), basically people want small and
>>straight to the point shells to leave more room for the Games :)
>Actually, I have completed a Windows '95 style GUI. If people want me to
>release it, email me and ask. I have been too lazy to put the finishing
>touches on it (like a Rom patch), but I may if people want it. It has
>password protection, shutdown, start menu, contrast control, displays
>memory free, battery power indicator and will have APD if someone tells
>me how to implement it. I will also probably add a Documents folder that
>will display the contents of text files, like Windows Notepad. It is
>currently about 2000 bytes...but will be a little smaller after final
>Email me if you want it released...
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