RE: SD: Basic shells
RE: SD: Basic shells
For the 83, Aurora was a pretty good WinClone. it stored the last mouse position, so that all the user had to do was press 2nd to run it again. a strong shell, but it had a major flaw. It was for the 83.
Now, I love that calc to death, but TI screwed up royally on the design. I know of at least 5 people who have to SMACK the calc to get it to turn on sometimes. alternatively, you can remove a battery and cauase a full memory reset.
Christopher Kalos
Executive Director/Administrator
Virtual Technologies Developer's Group
From: The Legion[]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 1997 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: SD: Basic shells
I do believe that this was done... Wasn't there a Windows 95 clone attempt?
I remember testing it out on my calc (Pain in the butt to move around and to
get to different programs, also games that are quick such as zkart you
restart often at speed 5 so you don't want to navigate through menus to play
it again instead you just hit ENTER), basically people want small and
straight to the point shells to leave more room for the Games :)
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