Re: SD: Basic shells
Re: SD: Basic shells
In a message dated 97-11-26 00:00:28 EST, you write:
> lt depends. Even though assembly shells are small and quick l see no point
> to having them if all that they really do is just make a list of programs
> the calculator and run them too. for example on the 86 all l have to do
> just go to the catalog and put Asm( in front of the assembly program, or
> LCust(1,"Asm(zttr" to place the assembly program into my custom menu for
> quick accessibility. That's my opinion. l agree that Basic "shells" are
> comparably much slower and bigger but if you want more stuff and have a
> of avaliable memory then that is the way to go.
...for example on the 82 and 85 you need a shell. It is *REQUIRED*. If it's
something that always has to be on your calculator, you want it small. This
is how I see it.