SD: Attention: FAQ questions
SD: Attention: FAQ questions
Some has mailed me general questions but only one "shell-developer" has
contacted me with info about his shell (Andreas Ess with Usgard).
I need your help! Mail me with frequently asked questions, they may be
very simple ones, as mostly FAQs are. Please! Below are the current
section structure. Please help make the " FAQ" great.
(Numbers within parentheses are the current amount of questions in that
1. All
1.1. General (3)
1.2. BASIC
1.3. Assembler
1.3.1. Z80 (3)
1.3.2. Motorola
2. TI-80
2.1. General
2.2. BASIC
3. TI-81
3.1. General
3.2. BASIC
4. TI-82
4.1. General
4.2. BASIC
4.3. Assembler
4.3.1. General
4.3.2. Ash
4.3.3. O-Shell
5. TI-83
5.1. General
5.2. BASIC
5.3. Assembler
5.3.1. General
5.3.2. Built-in
6. TI-85
6.1. General (2)
6.2. BASIC
6.3. Assembler
6.3.1. General (1)
6.3.2. ZShell (26)
6.3.3. Usgard (6)
6.3.4. CShell-NT
6.3.5. OS-85
6.3.6. Supernova
7. TI-86
7.1. General
7.2. BASIC
7.3. Assembler
7.3.1. General
7.3.2. Built-in (5)
8. TI-92
8.1. General
8.2. BASIC
8.3. Assembler
8.3.1. General
8.3.2. Fargo
Henrik Edlund
PGP public key available upon request. KeyID is 114428C9.