LZ-Adv: Ash released
LZ-Adv: Ash released
We have just released Ash, some programs written for ash and some
text files about the ti82. all the info can be found at my homepage
Ash veions 1.0 is a Zshell like Zshell, and it supports APD and contrast
change. Currently it only runs on rom version 19.
On the page there are also some programs availble for ash this includes:
An interrupt test program which also includes information about writing
interrupt rutines your self.
A greyscale program (uses interrupts)
And a ti82 version of Tim FitzRandolphs game Weave 1.4
Besides that you can find the source for all the programs and a
greyscale "libary" which support both 4 and 8 shades of grey.
You can also find text files on the ti82.
82-RAM : list locations i the 82 rom
82-ROM : lists a lot of functions found in the rom
82-PORTS : explains how the ports are used
82-VAR : varius info on the ti82
Other programs/games will be added later. On of the games that will be
added later is a ti82 version of mel tsais Colomns.
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/