Re: LZ-Adv: ZShell for TI-82 -- Ideas..


Re: LZ-Adv: ZShell for TI-82 -- Ideas..

>> I got an idea!  I got an idea!  Okay, suppose you use a variable like
>> zShCall (instead of A)  or something else, (preferrably mixed case and
>> or 8 characters, so you're not likely to corrupt it by accident, and
>> starting with a lowecase letter so you're less likely to delete it)
>> make a program that stores E145->zShCall and says press any key, and
>> have a PAUSE command... that way, you could call ZShell from a
>> and it'd all be automated, so it'd be about idiot-proof.  Wouln't that
>> work?
>Yeah sure, that would have been much more user-friendly. But this was
>just thought as an experiment to see if it worked. Also, it is meant to
>work on a TI-82 and I don't know what TI-82 variables are named like,
>maybe just A,B,C,D etc like on the TI-81?
>I think the best way would be to just use this method to install an
>interrupt on the calc. This interrupt could then check to see if
>ON+enter is pressed and then call the shell program (which is stored
>in a normal variable). The variable with the modified pointer could
>then be deleted in order to prevent accidental crashing. Of course,
>there would have to be function in the shell to make such a variable
>again in case you want to copy to another calculator.

My point was the if this works, now we have a way to call ZShell programs
from a TI-BASIC program.  Good idea using the interrupt routine instead
of the keypress routine. Couldn't you use the exact same method described
for the keypress routine and just change the addresses to point to the
interrupt routine?  You know, store the int. sub. address in A, so that
every time there's an interrupt, the program calls the interrupt routine,
and when we change A to point to our code, it'll call the interrupt, and
then call ZShell?

The interupt routine happens very regularly, doesn't it?  if not, there
has to be some other routine that happens regularly.  What about maybe a
screen refresh routine, or maybe the code that checks too see if a key
has been pressed?  (not the keypress routine, but the thing that shecks
for keypresses and calls te keypress routine if there is one)

BTW, I'm almost positive that the -82 has A-Z and theta for variables. 
What about using a PIC variable?  you could use the first couple of bytes
for the pointer, and the rest of the space for the ASM code.  But how
could you edit the pointer?  Maybe recall the PIC and edit it with DRAW
commands, then store it again?  Sure, it's cumbersome, but at least you
can keep one of your 27 real variables.  Can the -82 store strings?  how
about using one of those in the same way?  You could edit the pointer
using SUB() comands, or something like that.  Maybe string concatenation
would work? ("AB" + "CD" = "ABCD" using AB as the new pointer, and CD as
the asm code?)

Jason "Thursday" Wenger
Illegitimi no carborundum
