Re: LZ-Adv: .db's etc.


Re: LZ-Adv: .db's etc.

Mark D Lippmann wrote:
> This makes complete sense to me, but how do you work with something like
> this:
> _____________________
> Stuff:
> .db 56,36,35,36,87,23,87,34,8
> --------------------------------------
> How do I access each number to change when there isn't a lable in front
> of each one?

You need to calculate the offset of a byte in your ".db" before you can
store to it.  
You could basically use the following code.
ld hl, label
ld de, (program_addr)
add hl,de
add hl, <place the offset from label here, or add code here to find the
offset from the label depending on your application>
   .db 32,32,45,23,34,45,76

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