Re: LZ-Adv: ZShell v5.0? Ti85 emulator 2.0?


Re: LZ-Adv: ZShell v5.0? Ti85 emulator 2.0?

Myron Busch wrote:
> I will do that.  Version 2.0 is a lot faster since the z80 cpu is in
> asm.  In
> fact, I also have a copy of the source code.  The unfortunate thing
> about the
> source code is that it mostly lacks internal documentation.  I think I
> may add
> mouse support.  Since the keyboard handler is overly complex and
> undocumented,
> I think I will make my mouse component use keyboard scan codes and call
> the
> same function that the keyboard uses. It also needs the ability to load
> .85
> files directly from disk.  This could be done by modifying the DoIn and
> DoOut
> functions.
> Do you want a copy of the source code?  I guess the source code is not
> suppose
> to be publicly released.
No one is allowed to distribute new vesions of the emulator without us
agreing with it. So no one should upload new versions anywhere unless
they have been talking with us.

I have the newest version of the emulator, and the source code. The code
now includes some comments, and some parts of the code is updated.
that some people have been working on the features discreibed (and a few
ither things).

If anyone wants to add stuff to the emulator, that is great, but no one
should realse their own version.

Dines Justesen
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