Re: LZ-Adv: programming help
On 18 Nov 96 at 10:41, Will Stokes (3D Diamond produ wrote:
> OK, I'm the kid that posted the q's about using the line routine and I
> have gotten it to work, sortuv. I built a test prog. were I draw a line
> from a fixed point to a slidable point which could be slid to the right or
> left with the arrow keys and the prog. worked beuatifully. Next I tried to
> impliment what I was really after. See diagram below. However, when I
> tried to do this the program drew weird lines that did not make any since
> and jumped all over the screen in weird ways when the sliding point was
> moved. Why is this? I have a feeling it has to do with my mathmatic
> manupulations that are screwing it up for some reason. I'll post the code
> when I get home.
> P
> A B
> C D
> P is sliding point which can be slid to right and left along horizen.
> A and B the midpoins of CP and DP respectively. C is (40,0) and D is
> (86,0) so depending on P the values of A and B are calculated.
> To do this I load the x-coordinated P, subtract the x-coordinate
> of C or D, divide by two, and add it to C/D respectively. I'll check to
> see if I did that right. anyway that should get the x-coordinates fo A and
> B right? THe Y-coordinates are always 27. I try to work this out somemore
> but I think I have gotten it correctly so far. Any ideas as to what I'm
> doing wrong? I use sub b to subtract b from a such that a=a-b and add to
> add b to a.
> Will Stokes
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I'll try to help you if you cut down your sig some 10 lines or so! :-)
Mattias Lindqvist