Interactive Histogram?


Interactive Histogram?

Hi all,
I'm looking for a TI83 program that allows a user to interactively change the 'bin width' and the 'start value' of a histogram of a list.
Changing those values in itself is not so complicated (the Window variables can easily be changed), but the Y axis must be adjusted to the new values of the histogram 'bars' (sorry, Enlish is not my native tongue, I hope I'm using the correct words).
One way of doing this could be to take every value of the data list, substract Xmin from it and divide that value by Xscl, to know to which 'bin' the value belongs. But maybe there are other solutions, that are faster.
So, to win time, I'm asking here if that kind of program already exists.



Pedro Tytgat
Wieringstraat 16/7
3000 Leuven
phone + 32 (0)16 23.27.35

mobile + 32 (0)495/46.00.66