Re: TI92Plus questions
Re: TI92Plus questions
I don't have a TI-92 Plus, but I think I can answer some of your
> I'm using a TI-92 Plus.
> When I'm graphing a function, sometimes it does not appear in the
> initial window. Is there a way to immediately change to the
> coordinates where the function is or where it crosses the axes. I
> heard someone saying about normalize. How can I see the graph? Is
> there one click or button to quickly see the function?
I'm not too sure about this question, because I don't really understand
what you're asking. Do you mean the window setup, or just the function?
I'd like to use a lifeline, Regis... Ask Brian
> Also, how do I graph something like x^2+y^2=7y + 3 I know how >to
graph regular functions of y, but this type of graphing is not obvious
> in the manual.
This can be very frustrating at times, but there are ways to change such a
complicated equation into a normal "Y=". If you remember how to simplify
equations algebraically, you can get rid of everything but one Y on one side
of the equal sign. For example, with the equation you made up, you must
subtract three from both sides of the equation and then divide 7y by 7 to
get y by itself. From there you can figure out how to input that into your
calculator. I hope that in future TI models, you will be able to type in
equations without first simplifying them.
> I'm looking for a way or an addon program that I can solve trig
>equations like 5x+cos(x)=0 for the exact values of pi across an interval
>of like 0 to 2pi. I want the answers in terms of pi without decimal
>approximations. My calculator now just gives one answer in >approximated
decimal form and does not give me the next answer in >the periodicity. Is
there a way to do this?
I'm not sure about the TI-92+, but on the TI-83+, there is a program-like
feature under the Math menu. There is something called "Solver..." at the
bottom of the list that enables you to work with trig equations, but it's
kind of hard to understand. This feature is probably also on the 92+.
> I have found, but is there any other site that may have
> additional or better engineering programs for this calculator? Free
> or $ is both appreciated.
Well, there's, but I don't know if they post engineering
programs there, just thousands of other programs and apps. They are under
the File Archive at Otherwise, I'm not too sure of any sites
that specify in engineering programs (in fact, I don't really even know what
they are in the first place... are they the same idea as ASM on the 83 and
> I've managed to figure out how to add programs with my graph link.
> How can I actually see the directory of what I've added so far in the
> calculator? How do I delete them or at least be able to find out how
> much space is left to use.
If there is a "Memory" or "Mem" button on the 92+, you can go there and
select "Manage/Delete..." from the menu, and there should be a list of all
your programs, apps, variables, etc. At least, this is how you do it on
> thanks for any help,
> Brian D
You're Welcome,
Peter Magenheimer
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