Re: how much flash rom do i have??


Re: how much flash rom do i have??

Look I'll tell you now, I don't own an 89, wish I did but don't, anyway on
the TI website I found something somewhere that said that updating the
software increased I think it was the Flash Rom.  Hope this helps and
search under either the 89 page or the free downloads for
the 89.

-Direct G-

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, the $al-Man wrote:

> this may seem a really dumb question, but can you answer it?
> on my actual ti89 (HW version 2.00, AMS ver 2.03), the mem screen says i have
> about 370kb of flashrom free, and 316kb of flashapp installed, with about 31kb
> in archived variables.
> on VTI, running a ti89 (HW version 2.00, AMS ver 2.05), the mem screen says
> pretty much that same things - 645kb flash rom free, 0 kb flashapps.
> But the manual which came with my ti89 (which seems to be written for a ti89
> with AMS ver 1.00 and no mentioned hardware version), says (on page ix) that the
> ti89 has "about 188K of user available RAM....[and]...about 384K of user data
> archive". No mention of flash ROM, although the manual does have the big FLASH
> logo on it. And the MEM screens in the manual don't mention "Flash ROM Free",
> only "Arhcive Free".
> So what happened? Do the different hardware versions actually have different
> amounts of RAM and ROM?
> and i'm busy downloading street fighter 2, and can't help noticing that the zip
> file is over a meg...wonder how i'll squeeze that into a ti...
> ===== ===  ==   =    = ====  = = = == = = =  = = ==   = = =
> ...from the aspiring geek, the $al-Man
> (AKA NineTurningMirrors, AKA ByteChild)
> -
> ICQ #: 58895095  -
> ====== = = = ====== = ===== = === == =
> Things that never happen in Star Trek (Classic & Next Gen)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 38) The Captain has to make a difficult decision about a less
>     advanced people which is made a great deal easier by the
>     Starfleet Prime Directive.
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