Re: TI-92+ HW2 2.05 ASM size limit
Re: TI-92+ HW2 2.05 ASM size limit
Yes, but an Address Error isn't what you get from violating the size limit,
so that's not where your problem is. The size limit error message is
something along the lines of "Exec string too long".
>Isn't the ASM size limit 24k on HW2, AMS 2.05? I have installed
>the HW2Patch, but my TIGCC program (22k) still crashes. Interestingly,
>it crashes before my code is executed (the first line to be
>executed is a clrscr()!) and I get an "Address Error". If I
>run my program (compiled in Doors mode) in UniversalOS, it works.
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