FW: Viewing 3D graphs on a TI-89


FW: Viewing 3D graphs on a TI-89

Hi all,
        just wondered if anyone with a TI89 knows what zoom settings, that is
eye-theta, eye-phi, eye-psi, are required to produce the viewing angle
similar to that found in most math textbooks.  This is usually where the x-y
plane is in the physical page of the book, and the z-axis "comes out of" the
page at an angle.
        In some cases, the x-z plane is shown as in the plane of the paper, and the
y-axis "comes out" towards you at an angle.  If anyone knows what I'm
talking about, and has the three necessary angles, please tell me.

I would very much appreciate it.  I've tried rotating graphs until I got
what I wanted but found it very difficult, usually impossible.


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