[MAILER-DAEMON@dsoliver.earthlink.net: Returned mail: User


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From: "Douglas S. Oliver" <dsoliver@earthlink.net>
To: calcti
Subject: graphing inequalities

Hi, I am having difficulty graphing inequalities.  While I can easily
do this by hand, 3x + 2y < 6 is driving me crazy on my ti86.  I have
looked at the examples in the manual, but they don't seem helpful for
this type of equation.  Can anyone provide an example that will help
me learn more about doing inequalities for other related equations?

So far I have learned how to set the x variable in an equation such as
y1=(-3x)/2 (x<3).  Any help is much appreciated -- d

PS Feel free to email me directly if you would like.

- --
*>Douglas S. Oliver<*

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