Re: TI vs. HP


Re: TI vs. HP

Thanks to all the ingrates on this listserv I am unsubscribing from it.
Noone can accept the fact that Clinton is the best thing to happen in a
while.The office deserves our respect, not our insolence.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslaw J. Wiechowski <mjw@BAHNHOF.SE>
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: TI vs. HP

>Message from Tony Meece [08:31 00-01-25 -0500]:
> > Actually, I was trying to get a relevant debate going
> > on the CALC listsevr. I was getting tired of 'Clinton this,
> > Bush that...'.
>I believe the best way to cut off an unwanted discussion
>thread is to avoid any mentions of it.
>But... since you reminded me about Clinton - I cannot help
>saying he is a disaster.
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