Re: Ti-86, ROM 1.3: BUG with function of function!?


Re: Ti-86, ROM 1.3: BUG with function of function!?

At 02:03 2000-01-03 -0500, Ray Kremer wrote:
>Not true.  The 86, like every TI calculator except the 85, can use function
>notation for graph equations.  y1(5) gives y1 for x=5.  y1(x) is just
>amazingly redundant, seeing as how x is the variable that's already in y1.
>I suspect that is confusing the calculator somehow.  The solution?  Even if
>you think y1(x) should work, just forget it and use y1.  No use fighting
>over it when there's a way around it.

Yeah, I guess so...

-- \johan{Winge}

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