Re: TI-92 Plus ver. 2.03
Re: TI-92 Plus ver. 2.03
>I downloaded the Advanced Math Software version 2.03
>from the TI web site and successfully installed it on
>my TI-92 Plus calculator.
>However it is a little bit unclear for me what has
>been really modified in the operating system. Did I get
>any new functions or procedures? Has any changes in the
>"old" functions been made? Or perhaps in the memory
Ray Kremer
Here's the ones I can remember, add to this list people, this question is
going to come up a lot.
* Owners of Hardware 2 can use the entire 702 Kb free Flash area for the
user data archive.
* Better compatibility with flash applications, which should start coming
out soon.
* Somebody mentioned a new command - deltalist?
* You can add comments, a mini help file if you will, to user defined
* The var-link screen is redone or something.
In addition to what Ray mentioned, here's a few things that come to the top
of my head at 4 in the morn':
New function Delta-List({a,b,c}) returns {b-a,c-b}.
I think Doug Burkett mentioned sum and seq having another optional argument
(Right Doug?)
Self-test moved to "F5", "diamond"-"Clear", "s"
When SDK comes out, and apps are written with it, they will be available in
a different section of the catalog, and they will be available from
"diamond"-"apps". (Correct me here if I'm wrong)
In var-link, one can collapse and expand folders, to hide or show the
variables contained in them.
"2nd"-"up" scrolls the same length as "2nd"-"down" in var-link. Also, the
var-link box (and other boxes) flickers when opened.
Also in var-link, there is a "Send ID list" and a "Clear ID list". This
will be used with certificates, I have been led to believe.
I don't like this one because I got used to the other way (but I personally
think this is better): When a request box is opened, the calc automatically
turns on alpha-lock to type letters. This is new.
When setting custom units, they are now arranged like the units menu.
Before, they were listed alphabetically.
Most menus allow wrapping from the top to bottom and vice versa like the 83.
In the apps menu, home got sent to the bottom, and Flash apps took its place
(I have a feeling you will be able to run Flash functions from here...)
"2nd"-"Apps" toggles between the last application you used and the one
Resetting the memory any conventional way (taking batteries out,
"2nd"-"Left"-"Right"-"On", etc.)
will not erase archived data.
3D graphing is definitely faster (for the functions I've tried.) Also, R.
Perez-Franco's circuit program is a whole lot faster. (I've heard that
anything using solve is generally faster.)
There are some differences between HW2 and HW1 that I confuse with rom
differences, so I think I'll stay away from posting those.
And last, but not least, there is no longer that horizontal line that
appears just as you turn the calculator off.
I know I'm missing at least 1 major change; somebody remind me of it; I
can't believe how late it is - or is this early?
Frank Westlake
In addition to the changes to product() and sum() the addition of
[delta]list() previously noted, I just took another tour through the
guidebook and found that the below listed functions have also changed.
These functions now accept an optional frequency list.
It also appears that there is a discrepancy in the manual. Under the
function setmode(), "Language" is listed as an option that can be set. I
haven't been able to get it to work and it isn't listed in the Programmer's
Guide (Appendix D) so I think it is something they intended to implement
then decided against it.
I'm starting to get the impression that problems with language localization
are what caused them to hold the release of AMS 2.03 for so long.
These are just guesses but it looks like after the guidebook was printed
they realized they would need to implement the features of Appendix D,
therefore the appendix was added. The contents of Appendix D were not added
to the index, Appendix C is in there though. Implementing that change
caused other problems that needed more time to work out, but the users were
getting very impatient and TI was very near their announced deadline so they
removed everything that wasn't working and that wasn't completely tested and
sent out an incomplete implementation. Remember, that's all just
speculation, but I am fairly confident that TI's idea of language
localization has not been completely implemented.
Jeff L.
While we are on the subject, and I'm sure someone has already said this, but
there are a few things about the previous list that my 89 (hw 1) does not
agree with.
^ Also, the var-link box (and other boxes) ^ flickers when opened.
I don't have the flicker.
^ And last, but not least, there is no ^ longer that horizontal line that
appears ^ just as you turn the calculator off.
I do have the line (although it seems that when I turn it on after not using
it for a while, and quickly turn it back off, there is no line), and it is
in a different place every time I turn the 89 off. This is not new; it has
done this since I got it a year ago. In any event, the appearience of a
line is most likely h.w., and not s.w. related.
As for the ID Lists, I sent an ID list from another 89 to mine. Although
there looks like no way to view the list on the calculator, I can view it on
a computer with the graphlink. There are two entries in it, which would
sound correct. They appear to be the ID numbers off the "About" screen, and
are listed in numerical order.
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