Basic Programing Question


Basic Programing Question

Hey this might sound like a question but I have a TI-83plus and I am
attempting to make a simple basic program. This has probly been posted
elsewhere in the archives of this website but I am unable to find it. If
anyone could give me a simple tip on how to do this one operation I would
appreciate it.
  The problem I am facing is difficult to explain so I copied a section of
the program below to show what I'm talking about:
Input T
If 70<T<77
If 70<T<77
If 70<T<77
If 78<T<86
If 78<T<86
If 78<T<86
If 87<T<95
If 87<T<95
If 87<T<95
If 96<T<104
Obviously the HTML fonts aren't doing me any justice but the "<" sign is
really a (<=) sign and the ">" sign is really a (store) sign. But my
problem is this when i run the program "78<T<86" does not catch the number
if it is between 78 and 86, instead it catches anything less than 86 and
everything greater than 78. I've even tried:
If (T>78),(T<86) With this i get error syntax so I removed the ","
If (T>78)(T<86) and I'm back to where I started.
I Know this should be simple to do ... I just can't figure it out cause I
don't know all that much about these calcs but thanks for taking the time
to read this and I hope someone can help me, Thanks.

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