Fwd: Calculators
Fwd: Calculators
How about it list. Does anyone know where the program mentioned below may
be found?
>It has been agreed upon previously that programs that help students
>remember the variable order on the TI-83 are allowable. There are a
>couple programs that have circulated around that do that (I don't have
>one, I use Statistics Toolkit instead.) Example: It tells the order for
>binomcdf (x, y, z, w) which is n and p etc....
>I'm sure that if any of you need this program, a query to the list will
>result in quick help.
>Sorry if this is repetitious, but it seems that this is always a big
>question for newbies....
>0 ( * o * ) 0 Jared Derksen
>|___ \ --- / ___| IAmMathMan@aol.com
> / [ M M ] \ jaredderksen@hotmail.com
> / |_____| \
>/ [ ] \ Rancho Cucamonga High School
>/ ____| | | | ___\ 11801 Lark Dr.
> _| | | |_ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701
> (909) 989-1600
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