Re: TI-85 Fonts
Re: TI-85 Fonts
No, we're talking about the Link software on the PC itself. The
calculator and the link cable do not even need to be present. The
interesting thing is this is the first time this problem has actually
occured to me. My first TI was the 85 and I used the 85 Graph Link software
with no problem. So either this is a bug introduced with the most recent
version of the 85 Link software, or it is some conflict the software has
with Windows 9x. It's looking more and more like something TI's programmers
need to fix.
On the plus side, if you need to view TI-85 program code, you can do it with
the 86 software. If you need to write TI-85 program code, you can do it in
the 86 software and then copy and paste it into the 85 software for saving.
Only the appearance of the code is affected due to the lack of proper font
usage, the code itself remains the same.
> I am assuming that the problem of the fonts not showing up is only
>occuring with the Blacklink. From Ray's message I am hearing that it is
>only occuring with the 85, but not the 86. I wonder if it has to do with
>the age difference between the Blacklink and the 85. Does anyone own a 82
>and an 83 that can reproduce the same problem? I want to know if it might
>be a feature lacking in the 85 OS, but not in the 86 OS. Also, what rom
>versions are these Ti's? Has this problem been happening on the newest
>ROM (10.0?)
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