Speed Boost and Link Incompatibility
Speed Boost and Link Incompatibility
I've got two questions for the crowd --
First, I went to boost the speed of my ti86 -- the new capacitor I tried to
put in made the screen fill with lines immediately - did I use the wrong
kind? I used the 2mm-wide ceramic .1uF cap. I tried pulling the capacitor
out of the circuit (but not connecting the gap), and it seems to speed it
up about 6x. This is how I'm using it now; will it cause any damage in this
Also.. I've got a homemade paralell link that only works on one of the four
computers in my house.. I'm thinking that it might be because new parallel
ports are incompatible with some of the new ones. Any idea how to make it
PS. In replying, could I have you CC a copy to my e-mail below so I don't
have to wait for the server to digest-it to me? (Assuming I get any replies
<grin> thanks!)
Christopher Michaelis
Christopher Michaelis
Programmer, Pretium Corporation
t:(435) 797-4100
f:(435) 753-5608
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