Re: Inferential stats on TI-89: Pool the lists?
Re: Inferential stats on TI-89: Pool the lists?
> Thanks for your quick response! You are probably right. I have one more
> question, though. I just noticed that my TI-89 asks me whether to pool the
> lists when either data input method is used. Does it make sense to pool the
> lists when stats are used?
Yes, it can be done -- in fact, the pooled estimated variance is simply a
weighted average of the two sample variances. I'll spare everyone the
details of the formula here; look it up if you're interested.
Darryl K. Nester e-mail:
Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics WWW:
Bluffton College phone: 419-358-3483 (w) 419-358-9650 (h)
Bluffton, OH 45817-1704 fax: 419-358-3232 (w) 419-781-7113 (h)
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