


At 03:01 PM 11/27/1999 -0500, Olivier Turcotte wrote:

Hi everybody
Could someone teach me the way to run assembly programs from the basis without refering me to those FAQ pages?
P.S. I'm a new TI-89 user

Hummm!  This is an excellent question, and one that I will be keeping a close eye on.
I am a new TI-89 user as well and so far, I haven't found any information that just
jumps off the page to me concerning this subject. 

For those that respond, please keep in mind that BOTH of us are new guys on the block,
and at least for me I'm going to have to take this one small step at a time.

Roger D. Cravens, Jr.
Atlanta, GA

*  Liberty is NEVER an option, only a condition to be lost!
*  Roger D. Cravens, Jr., Director
*  South East Signals Intelligence Group
*  Atlanta, GA
