Re: Inferential stats on TI-89: Pool the lists?
Re: Inferential stats on TI-89: Pool the lists?
> I have the Inferential Statistics Package (infstat.89g) installed in my
> TI-89.
> The 2 Sample T Test (data input method: stats) requires an answer to the
> question 'Pool the lists?' Can anyone explain what this is about?
I assume that this is asking whether or not to assume that the standard
deviations of the two populations are equal. If we assume that they are
equal, we can "pool" the data from our two samples to come up with a
"pooled" estimate of the common standard deviation.
Opinion: Answer "no". This approach made sense before there was sufficient
computing power to handle the additional computations required for the
unequal SD case, but in reality, there is rarely good reason to assume that
SDs are equal.
Darryl K. Nester e-mail:
Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics WWW:
Bluffton College phone: 419-358-3483 (w) 419-358-9650 (h)
Bluffton, OH 45817-1704 fax: 419-358-3232 (w) 419-781-7113 (h)
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