Programs for free...


Programs for free...

Hello everyone!


Recently I started to make programs for sale.  Now I am distributing them
for free.  All you have to do is send e-mail to and
tell me what program you want.  YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC!!!  Below are a list
of programs that I have made that are going out now!

NOTE: If you ask for a program, you may not receive it right away.  It
may take about 1 week.

=========  Programs for TI-83 ========= (these programs are compatible
for the TI-82 also)

* = game
** = requires calculator cable (you should have gotten a cable upon
purchase of your calculator)

-Calculator Chat  2.5**
-Calculator Chat  3.0**
-Calculator Chat ULTIMATE!** (this won't be ready until JULY)
-BOUNCE! (screen saver)
-HIC QUEST* (text game)
-Asteroids ULTRA*
-Gorilla* (kind of math related, but cool!)
-F1* (race game)
-Pie Chart 1.5 (pie chart enter the values)
-Calculus Program (solves many calculus problems, fast and easy!!!)

========= Programs for TI-86 ========== (some of these programs are
compatible for the TI-85)

* = game
** = requires calculator cable

-Calculator Chat 2.5**
-Calculator Chat 3.0**
-Calculator Chat 3.5**
-Calculator Chat 4.0** (you can talk to people over the Internet with a
TI-Graph Link...won't be ready until AUGUST)
-Windows TI (generic, it's NOT the real Microsoft windows, but it's just
like it) (not compatible with the TI-85)
-Attack of the Aliens!*
-Asteroids ULTRA*
-Zoom* (race game) (not compatible with the TI-85)
-Heros (math solver)
-Eulers method (math solver)
-Pie Chart 1.2 (pie chart generator, you enter the values...math related)
-I.Q. Test (very humorous)
-Phone Directory (keeps all of your important phone numbers stored on
your calculator)
-Password Creator (creates a password for a program of your
choice...wont' be ready until JULY)

P.S.  Upon sending mail, please specify what type of calculator you are
using such as TI-82, etc. and please state what program(s) you wish to
receive and whether you want to receive it in TEXT mode or just sent
straight over as an attachment so you can download it onto your
calculator with your TI-GRAPH LINK cable.  Thank you!
You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

* To UNSUBSCRIBE, send an email TO:
* with a message (not the subject) that reads SIGNOFF CALC-TI
* Archives at