Hardwere Hanshake on a Mac


Hardwere Hanshake on a Mac

I bough the TI-GraphLink, with the 25 pin port.
I have read that the 25pin to 8pin adapter that i need conect the TI-GraphLink to my Macintosh
has to be a NON hardwere
hanshake cable.
A friend, gave me an old modem cable, an i dont know if it is a "hardwere hanshake" modem cable
or not, How cai i be
shure what kind of cable it is, and, what could happen to my TI-89 if i use it, and it has
Hardwere hanshake??

(please excuse the english)
The box label said, "Requires Windows 95 or Better", so I bought a Macintosh.'

Jack Mordoj(Macfan)
                    `-<-' TRANSMITIDA POR 100% ELECTRONES RECICLADOS

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