Re: Marrige
Re: Marrige
>> >I've been dating this wonderful man for almost 8 months. We have tons
>> >people asking us on regular basis about when we are going to get
>> >How do you know when you are ready and if we are right for eachother?
>> >Neither of us have any doubts about eachother. Thanks for your time.
>> > Arica Rezac
>>I am sure we all TI-calculator users are very happy for you and wish
>>you all the best.
>I thought, perhaps, she was talking about her calculator ;) Glad, I'm not
>the only one who thought the exact same thing :)
>BTW, rhetorical question, how WOULD one date a calculator?
Well, the TI-82 is pretty dated. So is the HP48, though it doesn't show it.
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- Re: Marrige
- From: "Thomas J. Hruska" <shinelight@DETROIT.CROSSWINDS.NET>