Re: Free 83 ROM
Re: Free 83 ROM
Kasper Vibe Grevsen <kaspervg@post6.tele.denmark (denmark=dk)> wrote:
:>there are more to come!
: Then please zip them first!
: Afterall there is an alt.binaries.calc-ti group for that kind of stuff:-)
How about not posting them. The ROMs are copyrighted by TI and they
could sue you for distributing them without permission. I would
assume that TI does read this.
Shawn D'Alimonte -
"Faster processors are nice, but they are not truly revolutionary. And
neither are colors." - Jim Collas, Amiga Inc.
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- Re: Free 83 ROM
- From: "Kasper Vibe Grevsen (denmark=dk)" <kaspervg@POST6.TELE.DENMARK>