Re: New TI-89...
Re: New TI-89...
<<And I'm telling you that you're wrong. Plusshell installs a kernel and
requires it to run. ANY PROGRAM USING LIBRARIES needs a kernel installed --
it's just not supported with the bare-bones minimum built-in ASM support TI
provides. . .>>
You obviously do NOT remember PlusShell v0.9alpha. You're talking about 1.0,
which I DO NOT USE. v0.9alpha requires no kernel.
<<To quote from an email from Xavier Vassor on the doorsos and kernel files:
"Yes, they are just special progs, because they only use the TI built in
ASM support. In fact, the TI originally can only run the progs, nothing
No libs>>
I use and require some v0.9alpha libraries. v0.9alpha libraries can be put on a
TI-92+ straight from the factory and you can run, say, Phoenix 3.0 or SameGame
Talk to the man, Patrick Davidson, who programmed Phoenix, which I run on my
calculator (all versions work). I'm sure Phoenix uses Rom Calls. Talk to Rusty
Wagner also, who programmed v0.9alpha. Or look at the documentation below.
<<Give up - you're wrong. A program without a shell may not use libraries,
ROM Calls (unless they use TI's jumptable and no stub), and it will execute
from the first opcode - not the _main label.>>
Guh. If you like, I can send you a backup that uses no kernel. Learn about
v0.9alpha PlusShell one of these days.
Now I shall quote from the PLUSSHELL v0.9alpha DOCUMENTATION:
<<PlusShell v0.9 Alpha
Written by Rusty Wagner
For updates check
Send questions, comments, or bugs to>>
<<NOTE: This version of PlusShell is in the alpha stage. Executables created
using this version are not guaranteed to work with future versions.>>
They don't, by the way, but ones created for v0.9alpha work perfectly. You can
also convert Fargo II programs to v0.9alpha using an automated program.
* Library support. Includes gray4lib, gray7lib, hufflib, hexlib, linelib,
as well as a utility library equivilent of Fargo's flib>>
What the hell were you just saying? Uh, duh.
<<* Fargo II source and binary compatibility. Many Fargo II programs can be
run by simply using the automated conversion program. See CONVERT.TXT for
information on any differences in the source code format. See COMPAT.TXT
for notes on Fargo II binary compatibility.>>
This is how I use programs - I DL them in 92 Fargo II format and convert them.
<<* Faster ROM calls than the Assembly Development Kit. The ROM_CALL macro
is no longer used.>>
Uh, what the hell were you just saying? Uh, duh. You are wrong, Rusty Wagner
says so.
<<* Browser which handles folders and displays program comments.>>
I deleted the browser long ago. There is no kernel.
<<Support for the MenuPopup, MenuBegin, MenuOn, and ERD_dialog ROM functions
have been added.>>
<<The UTIL library>>
Oh my god! NOT A LIBRARY!
<< and the browser were modified for version 0.9. No
other .9XZ files have modifications. Programs and libraries compiled
for previous versions will work with this version.>>
You're a moron.
If you're thinking that v0.9alpha did have a kernel, you're wrong. v1.0alpha
documentation explicitly states:
* Runs on both the TI-92 Plus and the TI-89.
* Binary compatible with Doors OS v0.85 or higher.
* Uses a kernel to reduce the size of programs.>>
Those three lines are NOT mentioned ANYWHERE in the v0.9alpha docs.
S.T.L. ==> <== My quotes page is at:
~~~ My main website is at: ~~~
If you see a message of mine posted on two newsgroups, then it is because I
have replied to a crossposted message. I *never* crosspost of my own accord!
I block all unapproved E-mail. If you wish to talk to me, post to alt.test.9
with the subject "Moo" and your E-mail address in the body. I will allow you
as soon as I sign on next.
"This universe is not hostile, or yet is it friendly. It is simply
indifferent" - John H. Holmes, The Sensible Man's View of Religion
"Xihribz! Peymwsiz xihribz! Qssetv cse bqy qiftrz!"
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