Re: ti 89 pc to calc link help!
Re: ti 89 pc to calc link help!
Does it not work at all, or just not with your 89? If not at all, you may
have it connected or configured wrong. This guy's site has some tips for
parallel links:
If it works with your 83 but not your 89, you need to find a different
software program that will connect to the 89. I've heard that some exist,
but I forget exactly what they're called.
> I need a lot of help here. I got this link from some dude online and he
>it's perfectly compatible with the 89. The shit won't work. I use the
>port when I get the games for my 83 on another guy's link(his works fine).
>can't even run an emulator because I can't do a rom dump. My computer is
>upto date and fast.
> Please Help!!
> If you know of a good link send me the link to get it too
> thanks
> -scott
A link to a good link:
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