Re: Comparisson TI 89 vs HP 48 GX


Re: Comparisson TI 89 vs HP 48 GX

In the engineering program I'm in, TI 92's, 92+'s and 89's outnumber
the HP 48xX's by at least 5 to 1, although most TI users have their
old HP in a drawer somewhere.  There is 0 folks that have a TI in a
drawer and use an HP.  That says alot to me.  If you want easy and
fast to use, go TI.  If you want a royal pain in the butt, by all
means get an HP.

On Wed, 5 May 1999 03:33:20 PDT, Carla Killinger
<carkilbermur@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:

>I'm going to buy one of both calculators, and i want to know what it's the
>best. I'm student of engineering, UBA.
>What's the TI-89 or HP-48GX...
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