Re: Link cable and software for TI-89
Re: Link cable and software for TI-89
I'm currently using a TI-89 and a TI Graph Link cable, and it works just
fine. I'm using the parallel cable-only package with a serial adapter and
the macintosh software. The macintosh graph link software has a TI-89
plugin. BTW, a parallel cable is essentially a serial cable for a pc (i
Erich Hauptmann
In article <>, Timothy
Dixon <tdixon@FWI.COM> wrote:
> You have two choices:
> Buy TI's link and use TI's software (on the off chance that you
> can get it to work).
> Build a different link and use different software.
> Despite the troubles with TI's software, that is definitely the way to go;
> the link protocol is not a standard serial link, and it's reasonably easy
> to damage things by building your own cable.
> Timothy Dixon
> Variety is the spice of Linux. Oppose the LSB.
> On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Christoffer Sxrensen wrote:
>> I have seen that only the parallel cable
>> works for TI-89, but the the graph link software from only
>> supports serial cables. Should i build a serial cable instead, or should
>> I build the parallel one and use other software?
>> Please reply
>> Christoffer Sxrensen
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