ti89: questions
ti89: questions
Sorry, but I can't find out the answers to these questions in the manual...
1) How do you modify and/or return a local variable or parameter of a
sub-program (I don't want to use a global variable) ?
Local name, getname
Define getname()=Prgm
Local name
Request "file name",name
Return name (Meaningless for program)
getname()->name (Forbidden for programs)
Idem with name passed as a parameter.
2) How do you start an application from a program (i.e. Data editor, Text
editor) ?
[ Deniau Laurent -- Numerical Analysis and Signal Processing ]
[ CERN -- The European Laboratory for Particle Physics ]
[ Laurent.Deniau@cern.ch -- http://home.cern.ch/~ldeniau ]
[ -- One becomes old when dreams become regrets -- ]
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