Re: Slippy for TI-83/85
Re: Slippy for TI-83/85
i've played slippy for the 82 (not 83) and the 85, and easily beaten it one
both calculators, so i assure you that it is possible. as to how i did
it...well, now, telling you that would be cheating, wouldn't it?
Marc Macauley <> wrote in message
> Does anyone have, or has anyone played, "Slippy" for the TI-83 or TI-85? I
> have the 83 version (which has the exact same levels and all as on the
> TI-85), and I am certain that level 6 is impossible, plus, I can't get to
> levels 7-25 without beating level 6. Has anyone gotten past level 6, and
> so, how?
> Marc Macauley
> op132 AT home DOT com
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