Re: Link cable and software for TI-89
Re: Link cable and software for TI-89
I have heard that the parallel cable is 3 times faster because the Graph
Link cable (NOT the software) limits it to 9600 baud. The bad thing about
it is that some (a LOT) of the link software is just a pain to use. I don't
think that you can build a serial cable that will work with the Graph Link
software, because of the way it is made. If you don't mind spending $30, I
recommend the Graph Link.
Christoffer Sxrensen wrote in message <>...
>I have seen that only the parallel cable
>works for TI-89, but the the graph link software from only
>supports serial cables. Should i build a serial cable instead, or should
>I build the parallel one and use other software?
>Please reply
>Christoffer Sxrensen
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