Re: Pluging my TI98 Into my Comp
Re: Pluging my TI98 Into my Comp
In article <36eecdf7.342405@news-server>,
citizen@unitedstates.america (Freedom) wrote:
> I believe the problem here is that there is no such thing as a TI-98, which
could account for your difficulty connecting it to your computer. I'm pretty
sure that your country follows the same Arabic number system as the United
My dear Freedom, you are confusing two persons here.
1) One guy posted asking for PC to TI98 connection. That guy is not me.
2) One guy answered "what the hell is a TI98". That guy is me.
In the post you quote, the second guy (me) begs for the pardon of the first
guy for such a rough answer.
In the country of the second guy (me) they use Arabic number system. And the
second guy (me) is pretty aware of the inexistence of a TI98.
I hope it is clear now.
- The second guy (me).
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