85 BASIC Programming HELP
85 BASIC Programming HELP
Subject: 85 BASIC Programming HELP
From: Firstname Lastname <brian87@ibm.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:23:59 -0500
Organization: IBM Global Services - Remote Access Mail & News Services
Reply-To: brian87@ibm.net
Xref: paladin.american.edu bit.listserv.calc-ti:28400
I am writing a large program for my TI-85 in TI BASIC and as one of the
subroutines, I need to find the roots of a function. I know I can use
the poly and solver, but they can be really ineffective. What I need it
to do, is for example,
the program would have a function like y1=x^2-9 with the bounds from -10
to 10 and I would need the calculator to tell me that the roots are -3
and 3, store these into 2 variables and then go on with the subroutine.
The function could be anything from cos x to 34x^2-x^6....any help would
be great