Re: another 89 bites the dust
Re: another 89 bites the dust
Take out AAA batteries.
Unscrew covering to small battery.
Remove small battery.
Press small grey button.
Put all batteries back in:
Completely reset.
When Today's Date Was Fri, 12 Mar 1999 14:33:00 -0500, A Magical Being Known as
"Mark Vulfson" <>
|Try taking one AAA battery out and press (-) negative number not minus and )
|paranthasee at the same time, keep them pressed while inserting the AAA and
|keep pressed for 5 secs, then turn it on, this will reboot :) it.. it is in
|the manual, and always works!
Reboot, while saving everything? or reboot with everything lost?
The Rahat