Power Supplies
Power Supplies
Subject: Power Supplies
From: Pastor Mac <macuser*@BORG.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 10:38:10 -0500
Organization: Really...
Reply-To: Pastor Mac <macuser*@BORG.COM>
Xref: paladin.american.edu bit.listserv.calc-ti:28384
Hi all--
I've just discovered my old TI-55 in a box of old stuff. Everything was
there but the AC power supply. I've emailed TI but they don't support it
anymore so I'm looking around for the power supply. I suspect the onboard
power supply were NiCd cells. What's the possibility of finding or
rebuilding that? Any help greatly appreciated. It seems too good to
simply dump.
macuser at borg dot com and you will be assimilated.
Pastor Mac
Think Different.
Think Macintosh.